Our lives are deeply and intimately entwined with nature. Even if we are unaware, we are still connected. In fact we are nature, we cannot be anything else.
Ancient civilisations lived by Nature, created the first calendars using the solar system and lived by Earth's cycles. Nomadic tribes journeyed with the seasons and survived by understanding the cycles of nature. We use nature to know what day it is, when to sleep, when and what we eat, what we wear and I'm going to stop here cos this could go on a bit :)
Do you acknowledge the lunar cycles? Do you celebrate them? The full moon is about expressing ourselves and our desires, letting go of what we have been keeping inside. I will build a sacred fire, sing or play some music, enjoy a free spirited dance under the moonlight and maybe a goblet of organic red wine. I will honour the completion of the moon's cycle from new to full and myself for all I have achieved in this time.
We exist in nature, nature flows in cycles, from the cycles of our Earth, the planets and stars that move around our Sun, to the cycles our own bodies experience. So, my point is, in sync with it or not, nature is such an integral part of us. Personally, I'm finding the more I connect with nature's cycles, honour them and live my life around them, the happier, healthier and more balanced I become. Most women would already know that our menstrual cycle is perfectly designed to be in sync with the cycle of the Moon. I've read a few explanations as to why but I like to think that women bleed on the Dark or New Moon because it's a good time for inner work and release, letting go of the old to make way for the new. How perfect is it to ovulate around the Full Moon when the sexual energy is high and its light enough for a bit of fun outside in nature :) Howl...
Check this blog for some great info http://www.moonsong.com.au/the-spiritual-practice-of-menstruation/
So however you choose to honour yourself and the cycles that connect us to nature, do it with passion and intent.
Namaste xx