In 2001 I turned 33. Living in a small country town in NE Tasmania, I was solo parenting two young boys. Living also with anger and fear, this was a very low point in my life and I was eventually diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If it wasn’t for the love from my gorgeous sons and a soul mate, I would not have survived. I shrunk inside and feared everything. I danced with depression, self medicated on Marijuana and began a long relationship with deep pain, darkness and suicidal fantasies.
After four years of struggle but refusing to be ‘my disease’ my health improved enough to birth the beautiful daughter I knew was patiently waiting. Within three years my relationship with her father broke down and there began a long and painful journey of untangling.
Of course my health suffered again. Second time round at solo parenting, full time work, running my own business and attempting a Social Work degree part time pushed me closer to the edge. I had developed Osteo Arthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease and pneumonia from Legionnaires. I eventually moved to warmer Queensland on my GP’s advice. Still up and down, I spent the rest of my money trying to heal my body. I had regular Osteo and Massage and trained to become a volunteer Surf Life Saver. However, I eventually had to have surgery on my neck to cut away osteophytes and fuse my crumbling discs C5-C7. It was during my time in Noosa that I was given a further diagnosis of Hashimotos (Graves disease)
Totally broke and almost broken, I sold everything I had left to pay my $10G debt and spent a few months living in Indonesia where I trained to be a Yoga Teacher. A chill Island lifestyle, yoga practices and teaching 10x classes a week combined with the powerful magic that is Indonesia, strengthened my body and soul. My brave, adventurous and now teenage daughter wasn’t happy so we returned to Tasmania and family in 2018.
Returning to family and my homelands felt right. As did continuing my Shamanic and Vision Quest training, rekindling a deeper connection with nature and tribe. Being in a cold climate again was hard on me physically and the lack of social/spiritual/emotional connection, after living in a small mostly Hindu community, was at times depressing. Coming home was a blessing of course and has helped me to surrender. Allowing time for stillness has opened me.
It’s true that our challenges make or break us and that breaking can often be the catalyst for great change. It’s clear to me that I have now surrendered enough emotional and physical clutter to see my way forward. Of course we are always on our path but sometimes we feel lost to it.
Classically trained and on stage since I was twelve, I haven’t always liked my voice and it has caused me a lot of anxiety and self doubt over my years as a performer. No amount of encouragement or praise from friends or strangers would convince me of its worthiness.
I didn’t always enjoy singing for people. Sometimes it was uncomfortable and didn’t feel right.
Sound Journeys are deep healings I have been offering since a divine meeting with a Soul Sister from Ecuador in 2017. The Sound Healing sessions are new and unique. It’s not just me using my trained voice to heal vibrationally, I am being guided by higher vibrations to work on levels I don’t fully understand yet. It involves complete surrender, and fills me with unimaginable love and peace.
I trust.
Every step of my journey has lead me to this. These sessions are powerful, divinely guided and totally aligned with my souls purpose.
Each session I offer is also healing me.
As we heal, so too does the collective consciousness.
So much gratitude and love,
Terese xx