In October 2016, I stepped out of my comfort zone and was rewarded by being reunited with my nature connected, earth honouring, ritual loving and deeply spiritual Self.
An opportunity to reconnect with nature and find some answers to life's big questions was on offer. So, I jumped into my Warrior Goddess and fronted up with 5 other brave Questers for some life changing guidance through Mother Gaia.
I felt stuck, motivationally crippled and at a loss for direction in life so I asked the Universe/Great Spirit/Goddess for help. The answer came directly to my FB feed and there was no way I wasn't going to be there, everything fell into place with synchronistic perfection. This was meant to be!
In the words of my Vision Protectors, it is a nature-based ancient rite of passage used for thousands of years by Indigenous cultures for spiritual growth and expansion. This was a solo bush experience in which you spend four days and nights immersed in the beauty and healing energy of nature and Mother Earth. It provides you with an opportunity to be still; still enough to hear the voice that is calling you onto your visionary path.
You are alone in the wild in a small quest circle (3m) with no distractions, fasting from all things familiar except water. You come face to face with yourself, and get to know more deeply who you are (and the difference between the misguided monkey mind and truth connected thought/vision!)
Not surprisingly, it was really f__king challenging! The flies, mosquitos and oppressive heat of the bush were nothing compared to what your mind does to you.
Day 1 - was a bit of a WTF have I done? day. Shit just got very real and YES!, I was hungry :)
Day 2 - I let go of more sadness than I thought was possible, it was an emotional day witnessed by two curious Goannas who stopped in to check me out and witness my unravelling.
Day 3 - I'm half way there, no longer hungry, getting my 'back to nature' on (butt arse naked and covered in dirt) and a profound awakening to task by a local Wedge Tail Eagle.
Day 4 - Boo Yah! the mind, broken, subdued and exhausted, finally let go and allowed a life changing revelation to wash over me and 40 something years of 'Who am I and what am I here for?' blissfully melted away.
Day 5 - I triumphed! I can not describe the incredible feeling of walking out of the bush at first light on day 5, to be reunited with my tribe and be held in such love and support.
Vision can come in many forms. My vision was a visit from the Spirit realm from an ancient Shaman Medicine Man who is now one of my teachers. It was also the piecing together of events/moments in my life that did not previously have meaning.
I still find it incredible that I spent so many years with the answers inside me but was unable to access them because our earth bound human lives are so busy and full of disconnect. It took 4 days sitting alone in the bush with no distractions (other than nature) to discover what Spirit had been trying to show me most of my life. DOH!
To my fellow questers, my brothers and sisters for sharing this journey.
Rain and Steve, my Vision Protectors and Teachers, thank you, thank you, thank you for your love and support. I am so grateful to you for opening up the door and gently guiding me to this place where I stand in my authenticity, strength and love.
You will always be in my heart and forever be my tribe.
For info on Vision Quests visit
Do it for you
Do it for the earth
Do it for our future
Namaste xx